Protect women from the human papillomavirus that causes cervical cancer!
Prevent pharyngeal cancer and anal cancer in men!

In 2017, 1.1 million cases of cervical cancer occurred.
It is estimated that more than 50% of sexually active women will be infected with human papillomavirus at least once in their lifetime.
Long-term infection can lead to cervical cancer.
As the disease progresses, it may require surgery to remove the uterus, and may even lead to death.
Vaccines prevent 50-10% of the causes of cervical cancer.
The virus infects men as well as women.
In addition to regular vaccinations for girls, the number of men who are being vaccinated at their own expense is increasing.
Girls from the 6th grade of elementary school to the 1st grade of high school can be vaccinated as a routine vaccination.
Choose from two types of inoculation: bivalent Cervarix and tetravalent Gardasil.
Both are complete with 3 doses.
HPV, which causes cervical cancer, is more common in women and can also infect men. In men, it can cause pharyngeal and anal cancer.
Recently, more and more men are getting vaccinated at their own expense.
Many people postponed vaccination for several years due to reports of adverse reactions, but the safety was confirmed again, so the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare decided to resume active recommendation.
It is a very expensive vaccine to inoculate at your own expense.